Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What has influenced me?

I often don’t read book in my free time, but I recently read a book called Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher.  The book is about a High School girl named Hannah Baker who commits suicide.  Before doing so she taped herself telling certain individuals why she decided to end her life.  The tapes are passed on from person to person, and each person plays a role in her suicide.  Thus, giving the title meaning, when being passed between the thirteen people you realize that even the small things that you say can affect a person’s self-esteem. The story made me personally reflect, and think twice about the things I say to people.  Even though I may be joking, some people may not find it humorous, and may take it personal.  I honestly don’t know what I would do if I had ever been personally involved in the reason why someone had committed suicide.  I think the book is a great way for people to look outside the box, and think about other people’s feelings. 

21 Jump Street

I finally got to see 21 Jump Street after hearing all the amazing reviews from it. I found it to be absolutely hilarious, and couldn't stop laughing. I had never seen the actually show 21 jump street, but from my understanding the movie was based off the show. In the movie pair of underachieving cops are sent back to a local high school to blend in and bring down a drug ring. I should've known the movie would be hilarious considering Jonah Hill was one of the star actors. I don’t think I’ve seen any movie where he’s in it that I don’t think is hilarious. I recommend everyone to see the movie!


Randomly over the weekend my best friend, and I were talking about how we haven't traveled much and decided this summer would be a perfect time to start! I've personally never been on a plane, and we came up with a plan to go to Canada this summer! It's a completely spur of the moment kind of trip, and in reality I'm terrified that my first time being on a plane will be with someone who's never been on a plane either. Maybe that will make the flight more interesting? It'll be a nice change of pace to just relax and go someone that I've never been before!  We haven't exactly figured out which location we want to visit just yet.  We plan to go at the end of July, I'm sure by then things will become less spontaneous. Hopefully the whole thing works out with few complications, and we have a great time!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Summer school

I cant decide if I want to just take the summer off, work alot, hangout with friends, and relax, or if the better choice is to take summer school.  Its a hard choice because summer school only lasts a little over a month I believe,and in the long run would be beneficial.  At the time time though, It'd be nice to just relax, and save up money this summer...which is also beneficial.  Its a hard choice! I guess I'll have to figure out soon though since They start in about a month and a half.

The Office

Last night I was browsing through Netflixs and started watching the show The Office.  I've always heard good things about it but just never had an interest to start watching it. Complete mistake, because the show is absolutely hilarious! I made my whole family sit down and watch episodes from the beginning. I think it's safe to say I'm a newly addicted to watching the show.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Suprise Party!

This weekend my friends planned a suprise birthday party! It was amazing! The girls took me to the Melting Pot down on Delmar, and then blind folded me the whole ride back to Edwardsville.  They led me into our friends house, and told me I could remove the blind fold, and there were about 35-40 people screaming suprise! It was such an overwhelming feeling, but amazing! Probably the most memorial thing thats happened for my birthday yet!

Monday, April 16, 2012


With the end of the semester coming faster, and faster I was debating between summer school, or just taking a break and enjoying summer.  Luckily, my moms best friend needs a babysitter for her two children while in Florida starting the day after school gets out! The trip is completely paid for, and I get paid for watching the kids. I'd pretty much call that a sealed deal! I'm extremely excited, I haven't been on a vacation in almost two years, and a little away time will be greatly appreciated!

Cards weekend

Cards vs. Cubs this weekend was exhilarating! Fridays game was a disappointment, but the Saturday and Sunday made up for it completely. Weather wasn't exactly what I would call ideal, but just watching on opening day gave me chills from excitement. I can't wait for the season to continue!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


I'm incredibly excited that there is only thirteen more days until opening day! Im happy its going to be Cards vs. Cubs that entire weekend, aswell!

If I didn't have to work

If I didnt have to work I would be less stressed out.  Trying to balance going to school full time, a social life, and working two jobs can get complicated.  I always enjoy my days off, and rarely make plans and just lay around all day.  Not working sometimes is a relief, but then again if I didn't have a job I think I would get bored and tired of never having money.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Favorite quote

"I can sum up everything I know about life in three words. It goes on" - Robert Frost.

This is one of my favorite quotes, just for the simple fact that a numerous people when their going throught a rough time, or are having a bad day, they cant see that tomorrow is a new day, or that life goes on. I feel that teens in HighSchool tend to have this problem often.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pretty Little Liars

GAAHHH! Just now got to FINALLY watch the finale of my favorite show, Pretty Little Liar. Definitely had goose bumps throughout the whole show! Can't wait for the next season to figure out if theres more than one person being A!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Break

I honestly thought that this Spring break was going to be dull, and uneventful.  Fortunately its only the third day of break, and the weather continues to be GORGEOUS, and I'm having a blast. Couldn't ask for  better weather!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Top five movies

Picking just five movies was a pretty hard thing to accomplish.  Over the years directors, and just the overall quality of movies has improved a great amount, but the older movies still never get old.  My all-time favorite movie would definitely be 1. Transformers.  The graphics in that movie, and just the overall story line throughout the movie drew me in immediately. For the second favorite movie I chose 2. Step Brothers.  I honestly can say that I have seen this movie at least a hundred times, and each time I watch it I laugh throughout the entire movie.  Third choice of favorite movie would have to be 3. Harry Potter.  Choosing just one of out the seven movies is extremely easier said than done, but I’d have to say that probably the second or seventh would be my top choices. I’m not one of the people that dress up for the premiers or anything, but ever since the first one I’ve been hooked for some reason.  For my fourth choice it was a close call between a few, but I decided to choose 4. I Am Sam.  The movie is about a mentally retarded father who attempts to father a growing child, with no learning disabilities. Each time I watch it I bawl, I know what’s coming each time but it’s one of the best story lines. Finally for the fifth movie I simply chose 5. Stand by me.  If you’ve never seen this movie, you’re missing out! It’s an older movie, but it has so many great qualities to it!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

“I Am From” Poem

I am from…..

I am from a sink
From remotes and  showers  
I am from the welcoming, loving environment
that continuously smells like some sort of delicious food cooking
I am from the bright, unique batch of lilies
The dandelions
whose long gone limbs I remember
as if they were my own.

I’m from traditional holiday dinners and outgoingness
from my mother and father
I’m from obnoxious laughs and Sunday football
and from extreme St.Louis Cardinal fans.

I’m from lovingness and  excessive cuddling
and “itsy bitsy spiders went up the water spouts”
I’m from Maryville, IL and Anderson Hospital
spaghetti and pizza.
From a brother, who was originally my cousin
then we adopted him at the age of nine.
family rings given to each girl in the house at the age of sixteen around my finger.

Taylor Nash                                                              1/24/2012