Monday, April 30, 2012

Summer school

I cant decide if I want to just take the summer off, work alot, hangout with friends, and relax, or if the better choice is to take summer school.  Its a hard choice because summer school only lasts a little over a month I believe,and in the long run would be beneficial.  At the time time though, It'd be nice to just relax, and save up money this summer...which is also beneficial.  Its a hard choice! I guess I'll have to figure out soon though since They start in about a month and a half.

The Office

Last night I was browsing through Netflixs and started watching the show The Office.  I've always heard good things about it but just never had an interest to start watching it. Complete mistake, because the show is absolutely hilarious! I made my whole family sit down and watch episodes from the beginning. I think it's safe to say I'm a newly addicted to watching the show.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Suprise Party!

This weekend my friends planned a suprise birthday party! It was amazing! The girls took me to the Melting Pot down on Delmar, and then blind folded me the whole ride back to Edwardsville.  They led me into our friends house, and told me I could remove the blind fold, and there were about 35-40 people screaming suprise! It was such an overwhelming feeling, but amazing! Probably the most memorial thing thats happened for my birthday yet!

Monday, April 16, 2012


With the end of the semester coming faster, and faster I was debating between summer school, or just taking a break and enjoying summer.  Luckily, my moms best friend needs a babysitter for her two children while in Florida starting the day after school gets out! The trip is completely paid for, and I get paid for watching the kids. I'd pretty much call that a sealed deal! I'm extremely excited, I haven't been on a vacation in almost two years, and a little away time will be greatly appreciated!

Cards weekend

Cards vs. Cubs this weekend was exhilarating! Fridays game was a disappointment, but the Saturday and Sunday made up for it completely. Weather wasn't exactly what I would call ideal, but just watching on opening day gave me chills from excitement. I can't wait for the season to continue!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


I'm incredibly excited that there is only thirteen more days until opening day! Im happy its going to be Cards vs. Cubs that entire weekend, aswell!

If I didn't have to work

If I didnt have to work I would be less stressed out.  Trying to balance going to school full time, a social life, and working two jobs can get complicated.  I always enjoy my days off, and rarely make plans and just lay around all day.  Not working sometimes is a relief, but then again if I didn't have a job I think I would get bored and tired of never having money.